We are a future-oriented organization in service of innovative primary and secondary school teachers

in General

FuturesReady. Training Zones

FuturesReady. learning journeys are custom designed to match the specific future readiness profile and needs of each classroom. Depending on each classroom’s future consciousness levels and pedagogical goals, learning activities are designed as a training circuit with variable training intensity.

The top 3 FuturesReady. training zones preferred by primary and secondary school teachers and students in our Community of Practice so far are linked to:

  • Emerging technologies and innovations
  • Well being of people and planet
  • Community building

FuturesReady. projects rely on interdisciplinary research and participatory design and are fully integrated in the curriculum. The project length can range from a week, to a semester or a year-long project, depending on the pedagogical goals. As an example, our first pilot project with a public primary school in Switzerland focuses on a two and a half years curriculum integration (5th and 6th grades), aiming to significantly develop critical thinking and community building skills in the context of sustainable cities.

If you are interested in setting up a pilot project in your classroom, join our Community of Practice by sending a request to: team@educreators.net